UPDATE: Here is the recording of Python in Power BI: Navigate the Possibilities
I cover performance, Power Query scripts, and Python visuals. Some visualizations using Seaborn, some geocoding using Azure Maps, text analytics with TextBlob, and more are all included.
While you’re viewing the video, please hit Subscribe for BlueGranite’s YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/BlueGraniteInc
Want to know more about how Python and Power BI fit together?
In eight days, on December 6th, I’ll host a free webinar for BlueGranite that explores Python integration with Power BI. Learn about the landscape and see some demos! We’ll explore the UI, data prep/transformation, and some data visualization. Please sign up by clicking on the banner below or going to https://www.blue-granite.com/python-in-power-bi-webinar-dec-2018.
If you can’t make the live webinar, don’t fret. You can still register and get the recording, which will be available shortly after.
Also, if you missed it, here is a preview describing how I used a single line of Python to geocode locations with Azure Maps: https://www.blue-granite.com/blog/python-in-power-bi-geocode-using-azure-maps-webinar-preview
I really enjoyed reading it…
Nice Article.
Learn to more information, thanks for sharing in this post,
Its Wonderful job.
These tips are really helpful. keep it up.